Church Weekend Away


The church weekend away is an unmissable opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and to learn more about the Christian life. The theme for the weekend is ‘Big Questions!’ We do hope you can come.

As well as the teaching sessions, there will be lots of other activities, including prayer, worship, sports, entertainment...

Groups are able to enjoy campfires, lake swimming, woodland walks, the stillness of the prayer garden and even a spot of fishing. There is also the Orangery Tea Room.



We have planned the programme so that there will be time to relax and enjoy each other’s company as well as to learn and be inspired by our main speaker for the weekend, Rev Mark Thomas.

Over the weekend we will be exploring some of the challenging questions we face up to in our Christian faith - can we really know God? What about science? And other religions? Why do we trust the Bible? How do we deepen our confidence in what we believe so we can share it with others?

Big questions require thoughtful exploration and we are delighted that our teaching will be led by Rev Mark Thomas, who works with the church planting team at Holy Trinity Brompton. A former colleague of our new curate, Emma Lowth, Mark is a physicist and prior to HTB, he was Associate Vicar at St Mark’s Battersea Rise.


There are a variety of accommodation options available and the cost includes a meal on Friday night, two nights’ accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and a number of tea breaks on Saturday, and breakfast, lunch and a number of tea breaks on Sunday. In addition, there will be workshops, activities for children and young people, and Saturday night entertainment.

If you are unable to come for the whole weekend there is some availability for day visitors. Ensuite rooms will be allocated according to need and then on a first come first served basis.

We have subsidised the cost of the weekend, but if it will be a struggle to meet the full cost please speak to Jonathan or Pippa in confidence.


You can find the booking form here. Once completed, please enclose the form along with the deposit in a sealed envelope and put in the weekend away box or hand to Jonathan Croucher or Pippa Evans.

If you feel able to either pay for an extra person to come or to make a donation towards another subsidised place, please complete the section at the bottom of the second page on the form.


Any further questions?
Please contact Pippa Evans on